Okay, I'll admit it. I stayed home on Saturday night to watch the
2006 Eurovision Song Contest that was broadcast (this year) from Athens, Greece. Sent Krip on down to the pub; while I took a shower, got into my robe, gathered my junk food around me, and watched one of the funniest programs that is on every year.
Last year, apparently it was all midriffs and belly-buttons. This year it was legs, lots of hair-extensions, and the color that appears to be the 'in' thing to wear now is white or off-white. Most of the singers were steeped in the 1980's music theme, so I figured if we keep watching, perhaps by 2020 they might be up to the music in the here and now.
And what was up with the UK entry? I've seen better talent come from here on the X-Factor. White boys really shouldn't try their hand at rap. Very few have been able to do it. And his little go-go dancers didn't quite cut it either. They obviously are not true Chav girls. I've seen these little girls coming home from school in their uniforms. The girls that were back up for
Daz Sampson had their skirts way too long. Most of the little Chav girls I've witnessed have their skirts barely skimming the top of their crotches. If you are going to be authenic, be authenic. Enough said there.
There were a few groups that I didn't get, okay there were quite a few groups I didn't get, but three really stand out for me:
Germany, what was with the stetsons, cowboy boots, mini-Dolly Parton, and a country song?!
Russia, I've seen women on pianos, but a woman
in a piano?...that was plain weird.
Spain, what can I say. Their four girl group with two unisex dancers as back-up went by the name, Ketchup. Still scratching my head over what they were doing out there. Bless 'em.
Honestly, if politicians from any/every country want to see who one's friends are, just follow the votes that were cast. Nor did not one country waiver from the usual, and it was quite comforting to note that wars and regimes can come and go, but neighbors still tend to cling together. Krip came home early from the pub just to be able to watch the
final scores as they came in from all the participants that made it through. So next year, it's off to Finland!
Did I mention that the United Kingdom got 25 votes? No? Well, it's a lot more votes than was predicted, and a hell of a lot more votes than France's five votes. That in itself made it worth watching. Heh.
Can't wait until next year. It's so bad, it makes for great entertainment!