Pink Phizz

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The weekend report

What a lovely three days we had! Saturday, Walrus took it upon himself to plane/sand two out of the three doors that needed done (so they can actually shut properly now). And, he had the initative to take them outdoors to do them so the house wouldn't be covered in sawdust. That, folks, was a wonder in itself. Now if I could only get him to put things away more often. Case in point, it's wonderful that he will feed the birds when he is home, but I constantly find the container that holds the bird food left open for the day. One of these days I won't see it opened, and the squirrels will think they will have died and gone to heaven! What can I say. Just like a kid.

Saturday night we went to our local pub to watch the football game between the USA and England. I would love to write that we, the Americans, won, but we didn't. it was 2-1 in their favor. However, we gave them a run for their money. Our team looked great out there. That in itself was something to be proud of.

Let's see. On Sunday, we decided to take another walk. This time we only did a six miler. However, we climbed seven hills in those six miles. I hate hills. I absolutely do. All in all, it was a great walk. The weather was perfect for it. It's pretty cool to be able to get right up and personal with the farmyard animals we see along the way; the sheep, goats, cows, and horses. We managed to flush out some pheasants, made several rabbits bolt, and heard our first coo coo bird (a sign of Summer says Walrus). And best of all there was a pub at the end of the line. That made all that trudging worth while. Since Flower will be out of school for the Summer, she will be coming along now for the ride too. It's always great going with a kid because you see the landscape in their eyes, which can be so much different than how an adult views things.

And, yes, Mad Hatter went along too. But you already knew he would, didn't you.


At 7:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"coo coo bird".
I think you meant cuckoo


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